Bone fracture in the forefoot


The foot bones comprise the 7 tarsal bones (ossa tarsi), the 5 metatarsal bones (ossa metatarsi) and the 14 bones in the toes (phalanx).

  1. Phalanx media
  2. Tuberositas ossis metatarsalis V
  3. Os cuboideum
  4. Calcaneus
  5. Talus
  6. Os naviculare
  7. Os cuneiforme laterale
  8. Os cuneiforme intermedium
  9. Os cuneiforme mediale
  10. Os metatarsalei
  11. Os sesamoideum
  12. Phalanx proximalis
  13. Phalanx distalis


Cause: A blow or violent twist can cause a fracture of the bone (X-ray picture).

Symptoms: Pain when applying pressure (direct or indirect tenderness), and when applying load or strain.

Acute treatment: Click here.

Examination: X-ray examination will usually reveal the fracture. The fracture can in some cases first be seen after 14 days, thus the x-ray examination should be repeated if there is a continued suspicion of a fracture.

Treatment: Treatment is completely dependent upon which bones are broken, and whether there is a dislocation of the fracture. In some cases relief and rest without bandaging can be opted for, whereas other types of fracture require bandaging and possibly surgical intervention (article).

Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation is totally dependent upon the type of fracture, and the treatment (conservative or surgical). Also read rehabilitation, general

Complications: If there is not a steady improvement in the condition a medical examination should be performed once more to ensure that the fracture is healing according to plan. In some cases, a false joint can develop which will require (renewed) surgical treatment (X-ray picture), (X-ray picture).

Special: As there is a risk that the injury can cause permanent disability, all cases should be reported to your insurance company.