Fracture of the finger bone


(Fractura digiti manus)

The five fingers on each hand consist of a total of 14 small tubular bones (phalanges).

  1. Os lunatum
  2. Os triquetrum
  3. Os pisiforme
  4. Os hamatum
  5. Phalanx distalis
  6. Phalanx media
  7. Phalanx proximalis
  8. Os metacarpale II
  9. Ossa sesamoidea
  10. Os trapezoideum
  11. Os trapezium
  12. Os capitatum
  13. Os scaphoideum
  14. Carpus


Cause: With a blow, twist or fall on the hand a fracture can occur in the finger bones.

Symptoms: Sudden pain in the finger after a fall, twist or blow. Pain is aggravated upon maximal movement of the finger and upon applying direct pressure on the fracture. A visible angling of the finger can occasionally be seen.

Acute treatment: Click here.

Examination: Everyone with sudden powerful pains in a finger after a fall or blow should be examined by a doctor if the pain does not quickly abate. In case of visible angling of the finger, the medical examination should be acute. The fracture is usually visible on x-rays allowing the best treatment to be chosen accordingly.

Treatment: If there is dislocation of the finger bone, the fracture can be reset under local anaesthetic. Most fractures can be managed with relief and light bandaging, while others require a cast or surgery (article).

Rehabilitation: Fitness training in the form of cycling, running and rehabilitation according to the guidelines under rehabilitation, general can usually be started immediately. When the cast is removed you can commence training of the hand and arm. Thrusts or jabs with the hand (boxing, handball, volleyball and similar sports) should be avoided for an additional few weeks.

Bandage: The fracture will often be stabilized if the finger is taped to the neighbouring finger (tape-instruction). Individual plastic bandages can be made for use during sports activity after bone fractures.

Complications: In the vast majority of cases the fracture heals without complications although in some cases the healing can complicated. Therefore, in case of persistent pain and lack of progress, you should consult your doctor again.