
re: childrens’ physical development. Knowledge of childrens’ physical and psychological development is of vital importance for a correct handling of training and injuries. Children can not be considered small adults.

re.: training in general of children and adolescents. The training methods are dependent upon the athlete’s age, meaning that coordination and technical training is given a high priority, whereas strength and fitness training are given a low priority for children.

re. diagnosis. In the majority of cases, a precise diagnosis can be made based on the case history and a clinical examination

re. acute treatment. The aim of acute treatment is primarily to avoid further injury, and reduce the hemorrhaging as much as possible.

re.: rehabilitation of children and adolescents. It is vital that all rehabilitation is performed within the pain threshold.

re. medicinal treatment. It is only in a very few cases that medicinal treatment is warranted, and in these rare cases, the treatment must be prescribed by a physician. Injuries in children and adolescents related to over-load must generally be treated by a correction in the training, and not medicinally.

re. tape. Taping or bandaging is designed to relieve the injured structure by use of special tape attached externally.

re. inflammation. All injuries provoke an acute inflammation, which is crucial for the healing process of the injury.

re. complication of muscle ruptures. Calcification, scar tissue formation, blood accumulation or fluid development in the muscle, acute muscle compartment syndrome, chronic muscle compartment syndrome.