Unlimited: Cycling with raised saddle. Swimming (crawl).

(5 min)

Lig på ryggen. Træk træningsbenet op mod hovedet, så der kommer tiltagende udspænding af baglåret. Udfør øvelsen både med strakt og bøjet knæ. Hold udspændingen i 20 sekunder. Slap af i 20 sekunder. Øvelsen kan også udføres stående med træningsbenet strakt på et stol, mens forkroppen bøjes let fremover.

Stå med støtte. Bøj i knæet og tag om foden med hånden. Træk foden op og knæet lidt bagud, så der kommer tiltagende udspænding af forlåret. Hold udspændingen i 20 sekunder. Slap af i 20 sekunder. Øvelsen kan også udføres liggende. Hvis du ligger på maven, kan du trække foden op ved hjælp af et håndklæde.

Lie on your side on a table. Bend one leg up under your body and let the other hang over the edge of the table so that the muscles in the outer side of the thigh become increasingly stretched. Hold the position for 20 seconds and relax for 20 seconds before repeating. The exercise can also be done standing by placing the outstretched injured leg behind the good leg at the same time as bending over the injured leg.

Stand with one leg outstretched and the other slightly bent. Thrust your weight to the side over the bent leg so that the inner side of the opposite thigh becomes increasingly stretched. Hold the position for 20 seconds and relax for 20 seconds before repeating.

(5 min)

Seesaw. Balance on two legs, possibly using a hand as support against the wall, balancing subsequently on one leg without support. Look straight ahead and keep knees bent.

(5 min)

Sit on a chair with elastic around the ankle, facing the elastic. Lift the leg and slowly bend and stretch the knee.

Sit on a chair with elastic attached to the ankle. Raise the leg and slowly stretch and bend the knee.

Stand on the healthy leg with the elastic around the inside of the injured leg. Move the injured leg from side to side in a slow smooth movement. Moving the position of the elastic lower down the leg can increase the load.

Stand on the healthy leg with the elastic around the outside of the injured leg. Move the injured leg from side to side in a slow smooth movement. Moving the position of the elastic lower down the leg can increase the load.

Stretching is carried out in the following way: stretch the muscle group for 3-5 seconds. Relax for 3-5 seconds. The muscle group should subsequently be stretched for 20 seconds. The muscle is allowed to be tender, but must not hurt. Relax for 20 seconds, after which the procedure can be repeated.

The time consumed for stretching, coordination and strength training can be altered depending on the training opportunities available and individual requirements.