

Stress fracture of the pubic ramus in female recruits.

Hill PF, Chatterji S, Chambers D, Keeling JD. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1996 May;78(3):383-6.

During a four-month period we observed 12 stress fractures of the inferior pubic ramus in 11 military recruits undergoing basic training. Eleven of these were in women. This high number was considered to be caused by the introduction of mixed training of male and female recruits; this forces women to increase their stride length when marching. The presenting symptom was chronic groin pain which failed to settle with rest, and the clinical diagnoses were confirmed by radiographs in all but one patient who was diagnosed by 99mTc bone scanning. Since the required stride length has been reduced there have been no new cases of stress fracture of the pelvis.