Crooked back


The back is constructed of box-like vertebrae which are held in place partly with the help of the shape of the bones, partly by ligaments and partly by the large and small back and stomach muscles.


  1. Vertebra prominens
  2. Vertebra coccygea I
  3. Promontorium
  4. L I
  5. Th I
  6. Axis


Cause: The cause of scoliosis in children and adolescents is unknown in the majority of cases (idiopathic). Scoliosis is most commonly seen during the growing years, and is more often seen in girls than boys (Photo).

Symptoms: Scoliosis does not necessarily cause pain or other symptoms.

Examination: It is important that the diagnosis is made as soon as possible as better results are achieved if the treatment is commenced as soon as it is necessary. One should therefore always be aware of the early signs of scoliosis (uneven shoulder or hip level, one or both shoulder blades being prominent, slanting waist). A normal medical examination will usually be sufficient to make the diagnosis. X-rays will reveal the degree of severity of the scoliosis. In some cases, CT or MRI scanning is recommended (article).

Treatment: Treatment is dependant upon the degree of severity. The majority of cases will normally be able to be controlled without treatment (article). It will normally be possible to take part in sports activities without any problems (article). Strength training and stretching of the stomach and back muscles is recommended. Supportive bandaging can be used if the scoliosis becomes worse (> 25-30 degrees) and the young person is still growing. It is normally possible to take part in sport at the usual level despite the bandaging (article). An operation may become necessary if the scoliosis becomes pronounced (> 40-50 degrees), and even earlier in some special cases. Certain forms of sport can be resumed 6-9 months after the operation (article).

Rehabilitation of children and adolescents: INSTRUCTION

Complications: In some cases the presence of scoliosis can have other causes (infection, nerve disease, inborn bone change, rheumatic illness, bone disease, metabolic disorder).