

2) Scheuermann’s disease.

Fiirgaard B, Agertoft A. Ugeskr Laeger 1990 Sep 24;152(39):2843-6

Scheuermann’s disease is most frequently diagnosed in patients between 13 and 17 years and is subdivided into high, long and low kyphoses. The symptoms consist of pain which may be aggravated by physical exertion. Pain is most frequent and most severe in the long and low kyphoses. The etiology and pathogenesis are not entirely elucidated but it is probable that there is a genetic component, that the condition is not unifactorial and that it may be due to weakness in the epiphyseal plates of the vertebrae. Radiography reveals irregularities of the end-plates of the vertebrae, frequently with Schmorl’s impressions, narrowing of the intervertebral spaces, one or more wedge-shaped vertebral bodies and increased kyphosing. No effective symptomatic treatment is known but the patients should be advised about choice of career and work. In order to avoid hyperkyphosis and chronic pain, back and abdominal musculature must be strengthened and mobility in the spine improved. Gymnastics, swimming and cycling on stationary bicycles may be recommended but sports associated with jumping and marked stress for the spine must be warned against. In few and severe cases, treatment with a corset or operation may be necessary.